Honolulu Deferred Compensation Plan

Honolulu Deferred Compensation Plan

Mayor Rick Blangiardi
Column Description

One of the many benefits of working for the City and County of Honolulu is the deferred compensation program, which allows employees to put money away for retirement while reducing taxes. The best time to start planning for retirement is twenty years ago.

The second best time is today. I encourage all of the employees of the City and County of Honolulu to take advantage of this program and start planning for the future.

The Power of Percent Contributions
Column Description
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Did you know contributing a percentage of pay can be a more effective way to build long-term savings.

Take a moment to watch our 3-minute video to learn how you can put the power of percent to work!

Watch the video

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Every year, the IRS announces the latest contribution limits for retirement savings accounts (including employer-sponsored plans and IRAs) and Health Savings and Spending Accounts. This online overview can show how much of your taxable income you can potentially save for retirement.

If you are within three years of Normal Retirement Age (NRA) and would like to set aside more money for your retirement years, consider taking advantage of the City and County of Honolulu Deferred Compensation Plan 3-year Catch-Up option today. Learn more.

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Voya Learns offers educational sessions to help you achieve the financial future you envision...but it all begins with you! Sign up today for one of our upcoming live sessions or watch one of our on-demand videos. Get to know our team of Education Champions and let them motivate you on your journey to financial wellness.

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One of the many benefits of working for the City and County of Honolulu is the deferred compensation program, which allows employees to put money away for retirement while reducing taxes. The best time to start planning for retirement is twenty years ago. The second best time is today. I encourage all of the employees of the City and County of Honolulu to take advantage of this program and start planning for the future.

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View the Newsletter for recent plan information.

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This checklist is provided to assist you in your evaluation of whether to rollover funds from your City and County of Honolulu Deferred Compensation Plan account to another eligible employer sponsored retirement plan.

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People love variety, which is why you find so many things in so many colors and tastes. But choosing a variety of investments for your retirement plan doesn't come as naturally, which is why learning about it is so important.

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Review copies of the most recent and prior editions of the City and County of Honolulu Meeting Agendas and Minutes.  These documents provide a summary of the review of the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.

City and County of Honolulu Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Active Employee Members

  • Andrew Kawano, Chair
  • John Hashimoto
  • Connie Kaneshiro
  • Nola Miyasaki
  • Chamara Silva
  • Reid Yamashiro

Retiree Member

  • Michael Golojuch
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Please see the following City and County of Honolulu Plan Document, Performance Standards and Adoption Agreement
